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National Archives of Australia:
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Conrad Burden
updated the location of this photograph.
Conrad Burden
a rephotograph:
I had a chat with a friendly young chap who lived in the house. He said the fire places had been bricked over. Pity.
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November 19 2012
There are 3 type C6 FCAC houses in Braddon with the front porch on the left hand side:
58 Currong Street
29 Doonkuna Street and
65 Elimatta Street
This photo cannot be 29 Donkuna Street because the house next door at 31 has a gable ended roof, not a hipped roof.
Of the other two, it is most likely 58 Currong Street because the of the direction of the shadows (the sun is probably in the north, though it is possible shine from somewhat S of E early in the morning in summer) and because the small section of horizon to the left of the house appears to be the southern slope of Mount Ainslie.