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National Archives of Australia:
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Conrad Burden
updated the location of this photograph.
Conrad Burden
a rephotograph:
I haven't got the slope of Mt. Ainslie in the background quite right in the rephotograph. I should have zoomed in more. The cedar in the foreground had grown up nicely.
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November 29 2012
These are 4 of Sulman's FCAC Lithgow cottages in the Braddon Conservation area. They are either 17 to 23 or 9 to 15 Batman Street. This photograph appears in the 1926 booklet "General Notes for the Information of Public Servants". Because the houses further along Batman Street on the other side of Elimatta Street were not yet built during the FCAC period prior to 1926, and there are no houses visible along that stretch of street in the photograph, it is most likely 17 to 23 Batman Street.