National Archives of Australia:

I think the man in the back row on the right is my Dad. Norman Mackenzie and he was an apprentice carpenter. I would love to see more pictures of the men who built the Old Parliament House and where they lived and what they did when they weren't working. My Dad would have been about 21 or 22. After he finished his apprenticeship he went to Young and met and married my Mum on 5th April, 1930, Violet May Rose Coulson. They had four children, Ronald, Arthur, Mary and Norma. My dad came out from Aberdeen in Scotland and my Mum from Oswestry. County of Salop. (Shropshire. England.)
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September 7 2012
My grandfather, Frank Clowry, was a foreman carpenter on the first Parliament House. The man in the middle of the photo looks like it could be him. Is it possible to see a more clear photo?